Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two Truths and a Lie

1. I am a terrible blogger.
2. I make the best spanish rice dinner.
3. I am looking forward to today at precisely 3:12 PM.

*Funny Child Moment #1- Watching Maddix look out the patio window and then watching him sneeze and bonk his head on said window. Repeat 3 times.


Unknown said...

Two Truths:

I have this weird noise in my ear....its like a hum, but its not constant. Weird.

I am freezing cold, but too lazy to turn the heat up on the thermostat that is 3 feet away.

One Lie:

The only thing I ate today wasn't french fries.

Emily said...

Bonk! ha ha..I can totally picture it.

Two truths and a lie...

1. I met the cutest boy on the cruise
2. I kissed said boy
3. I never want to go on another cruise in my life.

Can you guess which one's the lie?

Tara and Brigham said...

Hey! I saw a link to your blog on Emily's, and thought I would stop by! Hope you don't mind! That little maddix is so cute, and I bet he is getting so big! Well, hope all is well with you guys!