Wednesday, May 27, 2009

mad baby is making me crazy

So it is really sad when Maddix cries. When it is non stop all day it really tests your patience. He's in luck because his mom is a freaken super hero! We found out that baby boy has a bit of acid reflux and that means his tummy hurts laying down, standing up, sitting or whatever. Frustrating because not being a baby expert or pediatric genius we cant diagnose it and start to feel like were bad parents. Thanks to medications we are good parents again. hurrrrrrrrrray for meds


Unknown said...

Yay! I like him so much better when he isn't crying. Cute.

Whit said...

Ha Ha! Cam posted this one-I am just throwing this out there-Like he even knows the extent of it. A+ for him for being understanding.

Unknown said...

Hahahahahaha...that is so funny!!!! Cam, don't you work all day while baby cries? Jk, i'm sure he does it when you are home too. Spaz. Baby is still cute though. Funny that I can't call him maddix. He will forever be baby...until he can walk.